Tango in Taos
Our Studio Casita doubles as a dance studio.
I feel so grateful to have found this dance in my life. I have been a mover, yogi, martial artist, massage therapist, body practitioner of one sort or the other for my life long. Tango is, for me, the culmination and pinnacle of all my past practices. Most people who move to Taos eventually find the artist in themselves. I am happy to have found the dancer in myself. Tango has become the graceful, musical, metaphorical and emotional outlet for my life’s exploration and expression. It is certainly my physical, emotional and spiritual practice, and one of the most compelling parts of my life.
Dance Workshop Space & Studio
In 2013, we designed and renovated a dual-purpose new space here at Casa Gallina (a dance/workshop studio and guest casita) that I use to dance in, teach classes in, offer for rental as a workshop space, and also offer it (on weekends only) to guests as a casita called The Studio.
I would love to share with any of you who are interested, what makes this dance so compelling for me. I give private lessons on request and when my dance studio is available.
Please ask me about using The Studio for your workshop/retreat space, organizing a tango lesson while you’re here, or any other opportunity to use the space! Let’s tango!