Summer Vacation in Taos

The height of the season: Just about everything is at it’s peak. In its glory! At it’s best! The restaurants and outdoor cafes are spilling out onto the sidewalks. The summer monsoons in July and August give us dramatic skies and cool off the afternoons with a brief and often dramatic thunderstorms, giving way to afternoon rainbows! A landscape photographer or painter’s paradise!

  • Outdoor adventures: High Altitude Hiking. Mountain Biking. Wildflowers galore. Wild Mushroom picking. River Rafting. Horseback Riding. Gorgeous Drives. I’ll tell you all my favorites.
  • Art Openings. Gallery walks. Museum hopping. Art art art and more art!
  • Festivals Galore!: Music on the Mesa. Taos Solar Music Festival. Taos Mountain Music Festival. Taos School of Music. Music from Angel Fire. Taos Chamber Music Festival. Big Barn Dance Festival. Taos Opera Institute. Poetry Fest. Taos Pueblo Pow Wow and Corn Dances.  Fiestas de Taos.
  • Taos Farmer’s Market is on The Plaza every Saturday morning.  Visit with local farmers, stock up on the freshest and tastiest, and be part of the vibrant local farm scene here in Northern New Mexico!
  • Here at Casa Gallina, the BBQ’s are all ready and waiting for you to fire them up. The veggie gardens are abundant and yours for the picking.  And the hammocks are waiting for you to read that book and gently doze off into that afternoon nap!


The nights are getting a chill that begs for a fire in your kiva fireplace!


The cold of winter has given way to warmer, dryer days.


When Taos is at it’s quietest, it’s most still, it’s most authentic.

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